Sunday, February 7, 2010

Life Is Worth Losing...

... That's the title of a George Carlin show that I enjoyed watching on New Year's Day. And it is a perfect way to start a new year! I discovered George Carlin recently when I very dear friend replied to my satirical description of the "stuff" we brought back from California with the "too much stuff" clip from George Carlin.

This stand-up comedian is impressive! I rarely find stand-up comedy entertaining (ok, maybe I haven't seen enough...), but I really enjoy George Carlin. And it's easy to explain: not only that he makes me laugh out loud, he makes me think. And that's the type of entertainment I like the most: the one that entertains and teaches you something at the same time.

I watched some of the early George Carlin clips, and, as himself explains in some interview I watched, they are not the same style as his later ones. They are still funny, but not as insightful. The last two HBO shows I've seen from him (Life is Worth Losing and It's Bad For Ya') are highly recommended.

When I got back from Google CS GRAD Forum* I treated myself buying "Last Words", George Carlin's memoir. That's on my (long) to read list.

Here it is a teaser for you. If this doesn't make you try to watch some more George Carlin, then he's not your type: The Modern Man.

* Many thanks go to Gail for telling me about the forum and for encouraging me to apply. Without her notice and support, I would have not applied and missed on this great opportunity!


  1. I LOVE George Carlin as well. So sad he's gone. :(

    Btw, Professor In Training has a couple of posts up about advice for new or potential TT faculty - you might want to check it out.

  2. Hi PhizzleDizzle! George Carlin is great indeed! Well, it's sad that he's gone, but at the same time, some of his clips are so good that I can watch them over and over again without getting bored.

    Thanks for pointing out PiT. I subscribed to her blog.
